Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Once lived in a rich city in Persia, where there are plenty of perfumes and silk, an old and wise king, who was much loved by his subjects. As he had no children, he decided to seek among the closest relatives of his, a man who lead his people justly.
But times where they were going, gave only over ambition and envy. Until, tired is not anyone that would be pleasing, as it is counting socotisi eventually find what to do. Generations or there was a young man of sixteen, pretty spoiled and full of stubborn, but with a heart of gold. Of all was the one who knew what evil, and patiently, he would have been turned.
So the king had commanded to be brought the boy to the palace. For a while he stared at him. He gave wise advice and carry it like a real parent. But he was a young boy lightly and do not take account of anything, continuing to act with recklessness, as before, and to waste time and money on pointless pleasures.
But come a time when, disgusted with his own mood, the young could not find anything to please. Become sad and cranky. Then the king take a bold decision and told her prince:
"Listen son, tomorrow morning you leave the palace, with a good horse, a squire and a few bags of gold, you'll wander the world. In this way you will learn more than from my advice. But do not come back, my boy, before twelve months, for you palace gates will be closed by then. I have to deal with all kinds of people, because life experience is his deputy. "
And no longer add anything to the king he bade farewell to the print, leaving him to prepare for the trip.
Prince was very happy with this new decision of the king; in this way will be far from dull and lacking in surprises life at court who began to get bored.
What happiness to roam the world, with pockets full of money! And how could the prince prepare better for pleasant and unusual journey.
But because it was broken hand, soon reached the bottom of the bag and his joy began to fade.
He had only a few coins in his pocket when he stopped at a blacksmith to put horseshoes. Prince was amazed and cheerful blacksmith who worked hard, with great zeal, cheerful singing all the time.
So much hard work and grueling Siro sweat on it, but did not lose his temper seeing another rider who was waiting in line and shook cheerful greeting Prince: "Allow a moment, Knight, and you come right away."
And the hammer fall increasingly faster on anvil: boc knock and Blacksmith continue to whistle easily.
Prince was delighted cheerful and open a blacksmith and he decided to set up camp at night.
The worthy blacksmith not stop working all day and night went to bed tired but happy.
The day when dawn, our blacksmith put on the job with the same zeal as the day before, as in all days of the year. He never complained of fatigue and always seemed happy.
Curiosity prince asked him, "Good man, how come you're so happy, you have to work hard and you can not enjoy the rest you need age?"
At these words the blacksmith replied: "Knight, if you want to know why I am always cheerful, come with me in my little room poor without expensive jewelry but they keep an incomparable treasure."
And the blacksmith he went into a dark closet, where there were only a mat, a wooden rickety wicker chair and a rough table of the rough planks. On the table stood a mahogany cabinet as rich in sculptures and blacksmith prepare to open the little doors.
Great Prince was surprised when data beyond the little doors saw the miracle of miracles! Three faces, as beautiful, charming three maidens.
Contents of delight, Prince could no longer take his eyes off them. Asked the blacksmith: "Who are these three beautiful maidens and what they seek in the house? I want to see them any minute, because I do not think I could still live without know. All three are equally beautiful. "
Blacksmith, very satisfied, prince replied: "Of course, Knight, they are beautiful, but not everyone can learn, although it's hard work." Then the blacksmith continues, "are my three daughters and they both love each of them. The first is the smile, that there are never missed; the second is health, without which I could not do anything; third is inner peace and self-satisfaction that I hope to stay with me forever, even when the other two I will leave. "
And smith dark cupboard beautiful place, under the amazed eyes of the prince, who had to look away before you had given counsel this good man and could never stop to chase the three faces of mind.
Prince left the hardware until the time comes to return to palace. Then had asked the blacksmith, from which only received good advice, to make them honor the throne who accompany him and expect him to be the wisest counselor. But the blacksmith will not receive this high governor. He liked the blacksmith's more lonely roadside without covet the property of others and without others to envy him.
Great was the joy of the king when he saw that his nephew returned so changed and you know who is due this happy change, he sent many masters, to build a new and wonderful hardware on top of a house that in honor smith called him "inn three girls".

Prince was one of the wisest and best kings ever heard about that, and his kingdom was strengthened and flourished in wealth and happiness.

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Contact with the ground

Not many people realize the importance of stepping on the ground barefoot. Even the simple act of walking barefoot has huge benefits to wearing shoes with rubber soles. Earth's surface contains subtle amounts of energy very good for health. All you have to do is touch it and become alive. In the documentary film "Grounded" and "grounding", you can see this amazing phenomenon that transforms people's lives, for example, a man who for decades was bound to a wheelchair, now being able to walk again.
Even plants are severely affected when removed from the Earth's natural energy. However, the act of grounding or earthing, as it is sometimes called, is not really an unusual phenomenon; is actually a natural act that practically all living things we do instinctively.
Your body needs the connection to earth
This simple act that can be achieved by walking barefoot on the earth, the earth's surface transfer of free electrons in your body, then spread to all body tissues. The effect is enough to keep your body at the same electrical potential as the earth negatively. This process is referred to simply as "ground". Grounding has been shown to reduce inflammation, relieves pain, improves sleep, enhances well-being and bring many other benefits.
Every time you take a breath or a glass of water or absorb ultraviolet light from the Sun, are virtually connected to Earth and use it for survival. Grounding is really more an extension of these things ... is still a way for your body to be part of nature. But shoes with rubber soles and plastic disconnects from the Earth's energy flow. These sealants are highly effective, are used to insulate wires. Thus, without want, effectively disconnect from the Earth's natural flow of electrons.
Are best sole leather shoes allows you to stay more connected with the earth. But, going barefoot is one of the simplest and best ways to stay connected with the earth, but not on any surface. Good grounding surfaces include sand beach, grass (preferably wet) concrete and brick (as long as they are not painted or sealed), ceramic tile. The following areas are not good for grounding: asphalt, wood, rubber, plastic, vinyl tar.
Why is it so important to connect the ground? For today, we are exposed to mercury pollution, insecticides, pesticides, radiation, etc., all electrons decreasing the body. By walking outside barefoot and by reaching Earth recharge our energy and improve our exposure to electromagnetic fields and other types of radiation of mobile phones, computers, etc.
Grounding is anti-inflammatory and helps blood thinning
One of the great health benefits of grounding is the antioxidant effect. It helps alleviate inflammation
throughout the body, and this was demonstrated by thermography analysis in many cases. This is in itself revolutionary, because inflammation is the cause of many diseases, including heart disease.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra is a prominent cardiologist; according to him, the inflammation increases when your blood is thick, you have a lot of free radicals and a lot of positive charges in your body. Grounding effectively relieves inflammation because blood thinners and will "inspire" negative ions through your feet. Grounding helps thin the blood by improving the zeta potential, which means improves energy of red blood cells. Research has shown it takes about 80 minutes for the free electrons from the earth to reach the bloodstream of your body
Grounding calms the nervous system
Also, grounding calm the sympathetic nervous system, which supports heart rate variability. And, when heart rate variability supports it promotes homeostasis or balance the autonomic nervous system. This is important, because with improved heart rate variability, it improves the entire body.

Attention! Grounding is not a "treatment" or "cure" for any disease or disorder. Instead, we can say unequivocally that the human body has evolved in contact with the earth and you must maintain this natural contact to run correctly. If you have a yard or a garden bathroom, walk barefoot outdoors, especially during the warm season, is one of the most wonderful, cheaper and powerful ways to incorporate energy in your daily life.

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