On March 17, 2014, a group of researchers made new discoveries in physics. Studying primordial gravitational radiation, those seen with Bing-Bang was found that our universe is a sphere. Why is this important for us?
Simple - if our universe is in the form of limited scope means that it is not infinite. Therefore, there is a possibility that beyond this range can be different or even other areas. Thus, we step from one universe to multiple universes.
If we rely on what the Bible says, namely that the universe was created by God, then the question arises "What is beyond this universe is all God's creation?"
In other words, each universe with God, or there is one God who created all the Universes?
Lately, there are increasingly more scientists rallied Haramein Nassim's theory that "God is void". If we're good to think the Bible says that "God is in everything, what has been, what is and what will be." Leaving us influenced by the social environment in which we live we have 'educated' brains to perceive God as a creative being when in fact it could be a form of energy that exists both in every cell of our body as and everything that surrounds us.
From the purely theological perspective, 17 March 2014, It came out of all holy books and everything they told us our great scholars. We are on virgin land, where there is no longer landmark.
On the other hand, most of the scientists remained quartered in the perception that the deity created the universe somehow standing outside it.
The question did not make a specific one so far, in the light of new discoveries, it is:
There are many Gods?
If there is, we can assume that each of them in charge of their own universe. Are they inside or outside the bubble we call the universe?
Maybe sometimes it takes care of the God of our and other universes, or maybe not. We know that matter can not get out of our universe can not leave the bubble discovered by physicists, but where souls go? Inside or outside this universe we live in?
If we try to put into the equation and multidimensionality, then things become much more difficult to decipher.
There are dozens and perhaps thousands of questions that have no answers today.
If you look carefully you see stars in the night sky, if you look closely, see more stars and galaxies are farther and farther galaxies are more. If you look farther and farther, after a while you will not see anything until, finally see a glimmer weak, and this is the sparkle from the Big Bang.
Big Bang was a period from the beginning of the universe where everything we see in the night sky was condensed into something incredibly small, incredibly hot, a rotating mass, from which sprang all the others.
14 billion light years away in the same direction at 14 billion light years from that, it is the same temperature. Peste13 billion years have passed since the Big Bang, so it cooled and was dimmed. Now it has 2.7 degrees. That's important to understand that where there was a little hot, there were fused and where was little more than elsewhere, were formed galaxies, galaxy clusters and superclusters and other structures that we see in the cosmos. This is spectacular, but not what scientists discovered in 2014; What they found then it is great. Here's what they found: Imagine that you take a bell struck with a hammer. What happens? Sounds. If you wait, the noise goes and goes and goes until no longer hear. Primary Universe was incredibly dense, like a metal, denser and if I hit would sound, but the sound would have been very structure of space and quantum mechanics were hammered. In 2014, it was discovered proof of vibration allowed the space-time continuum of the early universe, what we call gravitational waves from primordial times, and this is how they reached this conclusion. Those waves have faded long ago. If you go for a walk, do not glow. These gravitational waves in space are totally invisible structure. But in the beginning, when the last launch twinkle universe, gravitational waves have impregnated small differences in the structure of light that we see. Therefore, when we look deeper at the night sky we find an explanation to this. Researchers have spent three years at the South Pole Sky through the coldest, clearest, the cleanest air that I could find, looking deep into the night sky and studying radiation that differences shortcomings that are the symbol signal, gravitational waves, vibration primordial universe.
For me, it's something spectacular that we can learn with certainty about the primordial universe. And he tells us that everything we see around us is actually a large bubble - and that is the idea of inflation - a big bubble surrounded by something else. But inflation is not conclusive, but something that is not inflation and looks exactly the same. It is a theory, an idea circulating for some time, but never thought to see really.
But the truly insane notion is that our ball is just a bubble in a much bigger ocean of bubbles in the universe. We will never see things from the outside, but going to the South Pole, and looking at the detailed structure of the night sky, we realize that we are in a universe that looks likely so. And this overwhelms me.
Anyway Allan is just a physicist and was invited to TED to explain the world, for everybody, they discovered his peers and why it matters.
Anyway, from now there is a lot of work. 68% of the Universe is full of dark matter. The irony is that it was given a name, it's a huge lot yet nobody knows what it is. Even the theories of physics can not give a coherent explanation of this dark matter.
Some concepts are so strange that our minds can hardly assimilate. It's hard to understand how such forces were unified and they broke up after a while.
Then, once the explosion occurred, both space and time. Before that, there were ... weird.
Then, if you study those maps stellar ... you realize that there is no middle initial explosion of the Big Bang as if started around the same time. - And it's weird.
And the last oddity is even accelerating remoteness from other galaxies.
An explosion usual, after the initial impulse, all the splinters slow down and then stop. In the universe is upside down, all the galaxies moving away from each other at a speed of increasingly higher.
We should, however, not lose the idea to reflect that includes several concepts: creative universe / multiverse, God / Gods, Big Bang and so on it's exciting and challenging. And ... to research! Maybe we were created in order to evolve to the point that we live in absolute revelation, to understand who we are, where we came from, what the universe (or multiverse) live, who and how we created etc.
We are made available intelligence that we must use it as a mighty tool, to ask, to find answers, we find ourselves in the ocean of the unknown where we bathe with such ignorance...
After my humble knowledge in physics, know that all these theories are proven and backed with a lot of mathematical calculations huge, complicated equations, graphs, paths etc, finally, things that exceed the level of preparation and understanding of an ordinary man, outside the domain of scientific sophistication, so any demonstration of this kind would be a speech from walls bare. So the new guys less savvy of us more interested in astrophysics conclusions ... As scientific theories can be "counterfeit" speculated's another story, and to consider it, of course.
Just suppose that starting from the little knowledge, you come to understand the great. Heart Math Institute explains and shows that every human heart issue fluxes field toroidal form that has entry to the "North Pole,, and, "exit to the South Pole,,. And then returns to the outside, as the exact form of a balloon. But not only the heart issue this toroidal field, but also human organs ... already two balloons each other. If you are not centered on the same line input-output, then appear as balloons, intersecting. If we believe quantum physics, then there are several levels of manifestation, becoming more subtle. In other words, other planes of existence that we can not yet access or awareness. Why say that the whole universe is in us? Why you say that you know yourself, know the universe? I think this time the physicist David Bohm in the study that the cosmos is contained in every part and every part of it is actually a condensation of the entire universe.
The theme of this post is extremely complex and I do not think there is anyone who can say that it has reached a complete understanding of the existence, or even the existence of the universe or multiverse, that I "pick up" in one word: INFINITE. In this there are countless universes Infinite populated with a multitude of energies and creatures born of thinking beings endowed with the ability to think, to imagine. The existence of what we see around us is the imagination of those creatures who think.
I personally when I started to read something to understand existence, I realized that the first thing that has most interested to be cleared existence and God had to clarify for himself / herself that understands or how they explain that God spoken so much. To suppose that God is an entity, it is wrong. God as conveyed to us generation after generation, is the creation of man. And if you think seriously what the Bible says, that "God created us in his image and likeness" in fact we find that Man has created God in his image and likeness. Debate if it is to develop it, you can get away. But in my opinion, there can be no more gods, no matter how many universes exist in infinite.
I said that the subject of this post is extremely complex and it is. Only be understood and debated by the open-minded and interested in taking their existence into the light and not the darkness created by religions and even science obscure.
photo credit: google.com
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